Updated Information

This project represents a comprehensive design of the area, including the construction of mainly residential and administrative buildings and the design of adjacent public spaces, pedestrian routes and traffic systems. The design in question is directly related to other emerging revitalisation projects in this whole municipal district, including major modifications to the train and bus terminal, the entire traffic system and other related projects in this area. The planned boulevard with an urban parterre, open spaces and vegetation accentuates the direct connection from the northern part to the traffic junction and will become a distinctive new element, redefining the character and permeability of the area. The block layout of the buildings follows the historical division of the Smíchov housing development.

You can find more about this project on the Pavel Hnilička Architects + Planners website at this link.

Construction is already under way in Smíchov, with two residential blocks to be built in the first construction phase. The private investor is negotiating follow-up phases, and we are providing assistance and planning the city’s follow-up investments, such as repairs to the tram line in Nádražní and Radlická streets and the widening of Radlická street. At the last meeting, we were able to push through a double-row avenue of trees instead of a single row.

You can find more information on the Sekyra Group Real Estate’s development projects on its website HERE.


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Source: A69, Baumschlager Eberle Architekten and Pavel Hnilička Architects+Planners


Coordinator for Our Team

Václav Vorlíček

Our Role

We are helping to coordinate and move forward with this long-term project.

Project Number
