Updated Information

Charles Square, which, as a slight overstatement, can be described as a modern urban forest park, is now an infamous and heavily congested public space.

In 2019, IPR Praha announced the result of a competitive dialogue, a method that has been tested for the first time in the Czech Republic. The result is a unique work created under the leadership of the renowned landscape architect Till Rehwaldt. The project is not only concerned with surfaces and park elements but also with rainwater management, parking solutions and the long-term traffic management outlook. The construction is expected to commence in 2022.



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Source: IPR Praha (implemented by Till Rehwald LA, MgA. Markéta Zdebská,and Ing. Josef Filip, Ph.D.)


Coordinator for Our Team

Václav Vorlíček

Our Role

We are coordinating and moving forward with the revitalisation of the square together with Adam Scheinherr, Petr Hlubuček and IPR Praha.

Project Number
